
Sale! Sale! Sale!

Black Friday, Small Business Saturday, Stop and Take a Breath Sunday (totally a thing), and Cyber Monday are here, so I have a sale! Buy either Inkling or Lightless, email me with proof of purchase (a forwarded "Purchased!" email, a screenshot of the same, a picture of your e-reader with the story on it, etc.)… Continue reading Sale! Sale! Sale!


Lightless preview

Since Amazon's Look Inside! feature doesn't activate until the ebook and paperback are officially out, here's the first part of the opening scene:   From the balcony of his prison, Fulsa watched the chariots streak through the sky. At this distance it was impossible to distinguish one from another or guess who might be winning—it… Continue reading Lightless preview


Lightless cover reveal!

And the grand tradition of me forgetting to post news here continues! At least I'm consistent in my forgetfulness? Anyway, remember Equus? Remember the silly mad lib I did out of my contribution, Lightless? I'm excited to announce that I've expanded the mad lib to the entire story and am self-publishing it! ...okay, not the… Continue reading Lightless cover reveal!


Happy Birthday, Fire!

Fire: Demons, Dragons, & Djinns is out today! Yaaaaaaay!   I’m really excited to read the other stories in this one! I wrote The Hatchling in 2016 and was editing it when Rhonda announced the Elements anthology, and while the story does have fire and dragons, it doesn’t have the powerful and...well, fiery vibe that… Continue reading Happy Birthday, Fire!


Inkling cover reveal!

It's Monday! And you know what Mondays need? COVER REVEALS! And you know what I have? A COVER REVEAL! ...for a story I've not mentioned here, because I am a card-carrying Failure At Blogging.   So to catch you all up, here is the blurb: Magic was supposed to make stealing easier.  Ever since her… Continue reading Inkling cover reveal!


Equus is here!

It's launch day! Happy Book Birthday to Equus!! To celebrate, I'm sharing one of the posts I wrote for the blog tour, which originally appeared over on Angie Rega's blog. Check it out there, or read it below!   Four (and a Half) Fun Facts about Lightless 1. Almost all of the names in this… Continue reading Equus is here!